Coal Shed Art Studios reOPENING!

Coal Shed Art Studios reOPENING!


September 29, 2018    
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Mare Island Art Studios
110 Pintado St., Vallejo, CA, 94592
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Come help us celebrate the reOPENING of Coal Shed Artist’s Studios! Vallejo Major Bob Sampayan will be here to cut the giant ribbon! The Townhouse Ramblers will be providing music. We are still on the waterfront and we are so excited about our new bigger space! Come say hello to old friends and meet our 4 new artists!
Event 5pm-9pm
Ribbon Cutting 6:30pm
Music by Townhouse Ramblers 7pm-9pm

Please note that Google Maps doesn’t recognize Pintado Street. Ask for 200 Waterfront instead.

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